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Pokemon is one of my fave video games ever ever ever!!I love the little guys and it got me into turn-based RPGs which are my fave genre ever now.

My first game was FireRed but the first one I played all by myself was Diamond, and gen 4 still has a really warm place in my heart. When I was a toddler, my babysitter collected Pokemon cards and gave me her collection (it got stolen years later which is still the saddest I’ve ever been tbh).

Vulpix is my all time favorite Pokemon, I used to say goodnight to my Vulpix card every night and imagined she was my pet!!!

I also love love love Piplup because she was my first starter on my own!! I have a cute Piplup plushy my husband got me back when we were in high school that I sleep with ^_^

Other favorites include Jigglypuff, because she was my favorite in the anime and in the short lived Pokemon shoujo manga where she was a recurring character!!!

I also love love Houndour and Poochyena because I used to play Pokemon Colusseum all the time with my dad and would have them out first as my puppy team, including evolved form of Houndoom and Mightyena.

When it comes to recent gens, I’m really attached to Rowlet!! Owls have been my favorite animal since childhood and Rowlet is friendshaped !!! I also love Mimikyu, Fidough, and Tandemaus

Source: Pokémon
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